Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Two wrongs don't make a right

Yes, I know that I have not been a good bloger, but I often wonder how many people really have missed it. After all I really have anything to say and do not post too much about my personal life, as I like to keep it that...personal.
But to be honest, I love sharing things that I have learned and learning things about what I have posted. I sometimes wonder if journalism would be for me, that is with a little schooling as I know my writing techniques are not the best.
But that is neither here nor there, as todays post is aobut Karma.
Most people have bad days, maybe bad weeks, but I seem to be having a bad month. Here we are into the second week of the month and things are not getting any better, and it seems that I am in for a long ride.

Karma is a law in Hinduism which maintains that every act done, no matter how insignificant, will eventually return to the doer with equal impact. Kind of like the law of motion, you know...for every action there is an equal or greater reaction.
Karma is sometimes referred to aqd a "moral law of cause and effect." Karma is both and encouragement to do good and to avoide evil, as well as an explanation for whatere good or evil befalls a person.
So basicall you reap what you sow, your actions create that which you do live out now, whethere this relates to a past/future life situation or to the present date.
Many people believe in karma and it is part of may cultures and the psyches of many people. People with out religious backgrounds or with a Christian upbringing become convinced of the existence of Karma. It is the same concept as virtue is rewarded and sin is punished.
I have not even to begin to touch the basis of karma, but the idea is there. Nor will I touch base on removing or cleansing karam as I am not sure that I am on to the whole concept. Yes, I believe that we are responsible for our own actions and with those actions may come a consequesnce, but we may not always be able to undo what has been done.
I am not sure what actions I have taken to be having a bad month, maybe it is not that at all and I am reading too much into it. Does it all boil down to what to believe in and what not to, and do we really have to believe in only one culture or can we believe in many things from many different cultures? No one truly has the right to decide that, we must make that decision for ourselves.
As I ponder the events of my life, I can readily point our the mistakes I made, the actions that I have taken that may have led me to not so good times. But I have to wonder, how much good does one have to do to turn karma back around in their favor.

"....good and evil fortunes fall to the lot of pious and impious alike...."---Spinoza


Blogger CeeCi said...

Most of the time I think people view Karma as something that happens to the other guy, as in what goes around comes around, and blissfully ignore the fact that it applies to them as well. I know I've been guilty of that mindset a time or two.

Karma is a deep well of a subject, one that our culture seems to leave by the wayside.

Here's a point to ponder...your last line "how much good does one have to do to turn karma back around in their favor?" Well, I would say that the very act of recognizing and taking responsibility for the mistakes you've made along the way wipes that slate clean.

Further, I believe that Karma is another way of being reminded of the Golden Rule.

This was a wonderful post, Michelle, it sure got my wheels churning.

**Big Hugs**
♥ CeeCi

2:13 PM  
Blogger Shephard said...

Love this post Michelle.
I think the hard part about understanding the belief of karma is doing so from the right perspective. Karma seems like punishment from the western mind that has been influenced by our religions. But your comment about it being every action has an equal reaction is dead on. It's not punishment because we are the ones who set it in motion to begin with.

When we're having a rough cycle, our tendency is to look at it as punishment (western thinking). Instead of looking at it as life is telling us something isn't working. When I hit a rough patch, I start looking at it as an opportunity to "get the message." The problem with the western perspective is that we think if we're good little boys and girls, there will never be unpleasant patches. The fact is, it's the rough patches that teach us the most and we need them. They're invaluable.

For me, the challenge is disecting how I created something, and if the event is tragic and out of my control, then I try to realize that it is a life lesson I need to learn about, not a punishment.

The big things are obvious... a death in the family, that's learning how to deal with life. If I rob a bank, the result is my own doing. But everything else inbetween is a lot more subtle to figure out. First, I accept that there is a rhyme and a reason, then I look for what I can learn, which gives it meaning. Some rough patches are just about faith, patience and practicing gratitude. Simple, but important. And not about punishment.

If this were easy, we'd all be experts, wouldn't we?

Great post. So glad you shared this.
~S :)

6:21 PM  
Blogger Helene said...

ya I guess I had the whole Karma thing wrong... down to the flippin spelling! lmao!

Look at the month as being almost half over... the bad half. The rest has to get better right!?!?!?

Keep positive! Good luck and I wish you good Karma (ohhh that means I get it back in the end... thats a win win!!)


11:32 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Thanks, that is very sweet of you. One can never have too many friends.

You are right we often see the bad happening to others do not look at it as a lesson that we ourselves can learn but as "thank goodness it is not me."
I appreciate your comment.

What can I say, you are such an amazing person with such a big heart and open mind. I have learned so much from you, not only about myself but about life in general. There are so many things that you have said that I will carry with me forever.

Thanks for the positive outlook, the month is about half over. And not matter how bad it gets, this is still one of my favorite months, I love everything it is.
I now know that I need to look at what the bad things are trying to tell me...it is not an answer I want to hear but I see it now.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Caterpillar said...

This was SUCH a cool post, Michelle! I really love coming here (even though lately I'm always coming late on the weekends) because I always learn a little something or am reminded of a little something or just go away thinking - and that's so cool!

I love what Shepard said, that "life is telling us that something isn't working" when things are going wrong. And CeeCi talks alot about The Universe telling her things, and I see that sort of as the same thing. All this is kind of new to me but I like it.

And I really struggle with the whole "can we believe in things from many cultures" because I do, and I think it's okay. But then sometimes I have these little moments of fear that come from being raised in a strictly Lutheran home and taught that all other religions/belief systems were completely wrong and those people would go to hell. I think that's complete crap now, of course, but then the little 1% doubt rises up in me sometimes.

I'll stop now. You got me thinking - I love this post!

10:16 PM  

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