Monday, December 18, 2006

Cubical Etiquette

Well I was going to stick with a holiday theme all month but after the morning I had, I thought this would be a more appropriate post.

There are not one but two people that sit near by that are in the habbit of cutting their nails at work. This does not only annoy me but it makes me sick...literally. I have made comments to both of these people explaining that the work place is not the place to do that and have asked them politely to be more considerate and take care of their personal needs at home. Apparently I have a better chance at winning the lottery than that happening, as they were both grooming themselves this morning.

Other than common courtesy, there are ground rules that should be followed by cube dwellers.

Here are a few:

*Don't "praire-dog" over the tops of cubes or peek in as you walk past each one. - you could be the one that is sorry for this one, especially if you have co-workers with bad habits...and we all do

*Never read someone's computer screen or comment on conversations you have overhead. - A big pet peve of mine

*Limit the use of speaker phones. If you must use one, keep the volume at it's lowest audiable level - this goes on all of the time... I have heard more conversations about things that I have never wanted to know in the first place

*Never leave your cell phone behind in your cube with out tuning it off or to vibrate first.

*Be aware that your neighbors can hear your end of your personal calls. - It would be more interesting if the conversations were in English

*Use your "libary voice" - this one is a big pet peve of mine, I often have a hard time hearing my business conversations due to other people talking loudly

*Play radios at low volumes or use head phones - I get quite the variety of music, which all blended together is not music to the ears

*Advoid gum popping, humming, singing, pen tapping and slurping - I wish the lady that sings at the printer would read this one

*Avoid yelling across the cubes when having conversations with your co-workers. - Ok, I am guilty of this sometimes..but only because if I go over there I will get stuck in a longer, meaningless conversation

*Keep your shoes on! - just thinking about this has made me lose my appetite.

*Do your personal grooming, like clipping your nails at home!!!!!!!!

Cubicles can give people strong sense of community, but can also lead to interpersonal clashes. Use common courtesy and show some respect for your neighbors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Michelle for the beautiful and moving comment. I hope you can find some joy this holiday season.

I have never worked in cubicle land, thanks to an aversion to people. :) Sounds like your list would send me over the edge in short order. It does seem that being loud has become acceptable behavior in all social settings. Too bad.

3:38 PM  
Blogger Shephard said...

Wow. So glad I'm no where near a cubical. lol Slurping hot coffee would annoy me most, I think.
~S :)

3:22 PM  

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