Thursday, June 29, 2006

Happy 4th of July

As we enter this 4th of July weekend, let us all remember what we are celebrating. Although we complain about the increasing taxes, immigrants, the war in Iraq, our president (oh come on you know you do), and the other things we as Americans complain about, remember it is becuase we can. It is our freedom of speech that gives us this right. As things may not be as they were 20 yrs ago, we are still a free country and have many men and women fighting for us and our freedom that we should be thankful for. Yes, we all do not agree that they should be there, but they are because they choose to be part of a service that stands and protects our nation. So as you stand there with your family and friends watching fireworks light up the night sky, stop and remember those who could not be with their families and be thankful for our freedom.

Hope that you have a safe and happy 4th of July.


Blogger Shephard said...

Really good reminders.
Everything sure is relative... easy to look for things to complain about.. but we still have it pretty darn good.


2:08 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Happy 4th!

8:50 PM  

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