Monday, June 05, 2006

Lazy Monday

Well it is Monday and another week has started, unfortunately I think that I left the most important part of me home in bed...yes ladies and gentlemen I left my brain at home this morning.
So with that being said I took this from Shephard's site and thought I would use it to fill the void this morning.
I dream ... of owning a horse ranch
I cannot stand ... people who do not let the people off of the elevator before they get on
I'm sorry ... I do not try harder to have a relationship with my dad
I stopped ... to smell the lilac's my grandmother planted
I could ... do more with my life, but it is easier to leave it the way it is.
I would ... not have spent that year in college if it hadn't been for my horse. (this is actually Shephard's answer, but I laughed so hard at this I had to leave it....Lewis Black is hysterical)
I don't understand ... Why there is so much hate in the world.
I yell ... as little as possible
I'm shocked ... by the behavior of people
I get aggravated ... when people drive and talk on their cell phones
I dislike ... some one that I work with
I blame ... my dad for our family not talking
I miss ... my grandmother very much
I wish ... he could see inside my heart and know that I would never hurt him
I sense ... there is a big change coming soon
I love ... believing in something
I guess ... things will get worse before they get better
I hope ... we can learn to live in peace
I hear ... the sound of Celtic Women
I always ... think that there is something more out there, you just have to open your mind and heart to see it
I'm grateful ... for everyone that has touched my life in one way or another
I promise ... to keep an open mind, live, learn and love with all that I am
I tag ... anyone who wants to.


Blogger Networkchic said...

I really do think that brains are supposed to stay in bed on get prepared for the rest of the week.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Shephard said...

Very nice.
I have to say I love believing in something, too. It's in my nature.

And Lewis cracks me up too. hee hee.


7:25 PM  
Blogger Caterpillar said...

I'm a little late! I also can't stand the people who don't let you get off the elevator - it's ridiculous and so frustrating!!! And I also hate when the elevator doors are almost closed and some prick sticks a file in there - ohhhh it makes me upset just thinking about it!

12:41 PM  

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