Another year...
Tomorrow I will be another year older and I would like to think that I will be another year wiser. It has been a rough road for me these last few months and I look forward to starting a new year with a whole world of possibilities.
I will take my lessons learned over the year and the years before and try to apply them as best I can, keep my chin up and be proud of who I am.
I have learned a lot about myself this year through experiences and believe it or not from blogging, reading and writing. I have learned that there are good people out there who see the world with an open heart, I have learned that I am a strong person, and I have learned that it is not always good to wear your heart on your sleve.
Birthdays have always been special to me, they are a day to celebrate life. This year I will be celebrating a new begining, to what I am not sure but that will come one day at a time.
The best gift that I can receive this year is for you to celebrate life with me, celebrate who you are and what you believe, know that you are worthy and strong, and be happy.